How Running Is Like Writing, And Why You Should Embrace Them Both

Woman running on a foggy day

Six years ago, I wrote a post connecting the two wonderful worlds of writing and running, and a lot has changed since then.

For starters, I’ve actually maintained a steady schedule for more than a year now, compared to the sporadic posts I used to put up when I was ‘in the mood’. Also, I’ve started running a lot more.

That’s why I feel that I’ve garnered the necessary experience to revisit this topic, which means you get to be the judge on whether or not I’ve actually grown in the past six years.

So scroll ahead and enjoy version two of this post. Go on. Run along now.

It never gets easier

Let’s get the obvious point out of the way first. Running never gets easier. And neither does writing.

I’ve been running for years now, but that doesn’t change the fact that every time I lace up my shoes, I feel as though I’m about to embark on some Navy SEALs shit.

The same is true for writing. I can stamp ‘THE END’ on my fifth manuscript, and still feel like I have no business being a novelist.

This is where it pays to remember this one fact: Nothing worth doing is ever easy. And it’s during these tough moments—when we’re huffing and puffing down the street, dragging our feet two inches at a time—where progress is made.

One day, you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come, and that’ll be an awesome feeling, till you turn towards the horizon once more, see how far you’ve yet to go, and mutter to yourself, “Ah, shit.”

“Listen, I wish I could tell you it gets better, but it doesn’t get better. You get better.”

— Joan Rivers
Writing And Running Relax - Melissa Walker Horn

Here’s what running—or writing—will never feel like. Photo: Melissa Walker Horn

Ask and you shall receive

Cam Hanes runs one marathon a day, and Courtney Dauwalter runs almost 300 miles at a go (over a span of days, often without sleep. Here’s the thing, though: Cam was once a major slacker, and Courtney dropped out of her first 100-miler.

Even the greats like David Goggins couldn’t complete his first quarter mile.

The thing about our body and mind is that you never truly know what you’re capable of until you ask more of yourself. I’m not much of a runner, but I’ve worked my way to running 10 kilometres a day, and while that pales in comparison the the above names, it’s a very big deal for me.

Let’s take a writing example instead—I used to have a 1,000-word ceiling. No way could I write more. Nuh uh. Not for a paying job, not for my novel, nothing.

Then I was offered a month-long gig of touring across Myanmar and writing about my journey while on the road.

I accepted the job with the understanding that I had to produce one article a day. That ended up becoming two (1,000-word) articles a day. While I travelled around for research. For sixteen hours a day. Writing time not included.

I was livid at first, being stranded in Myanmar with no choice but to slough through article after article as I bounced around in the back of a van or a boat, the latter being particularly challenging due to the rainy season.

But I managed to meet my deadlines, all while developing a new superpower of dealing with motion sickness (almost puked so many times while writing in a moving vehicle).

Now my new maximum is 2,000 words per day. With research. While working sixteen-hour shifts. And battling motion sickness. And I suspect that’s nowhere near my true capabilities.

I just have to ask it of myself.

Your conscience will always guide the way

I can think of very few instances where running—or a creative pursuit like writing—would be a bad thing for you.

Okay, maybe you shouldn’t run right after heart surgery, but other than that, you never end a run feeling shittier than before you started.

Contrast that with the guilt you feel after going on a barhopping bender. Or lapping up every crumb from that Dunkin’ Donuts box.

For some reason, us humans are wired to pursue things that are beneficial to us, no matter how shitty those tasks may feel at the time. And it behooves you to be in tune with that feeling.

In this age of acceptance (even when the actions you’re accepting is damaging to you), it’s easy to chalk your internal pain as something you should avoid.

Hate exercising? Then let’s avoid all that toxic productivity. Feeling crappy for not writing (again)? Maybe you just weren’t ‘in the mood’.

I used to scoff at the saying ‘putting a bandaid on a bullet wound’, but now I totally see its point. We don’t need more spa appointments or retail therapy. We need to know why we think we need spa appointments or retail therapy.

I say listen to your feelings, both good and bad, then choose to do what’s right, not what’s easy.

But how do you know you’re choosing the right thing? Simple—it’s whichever choice you don’t feel regret after doing it.

Running And Writing Compass - Tim Graf

Feeling sucky? Take it as a notification from your higher self. Photo: Tim Graf

It’s not the equipment, nor the circumstances

I love running because there are so few things you need to get started, yet it’s still very possible to convolute things.

I once had a friend who vowed to join me on my runs. But then he backed out of his promise, blaming the lack of a quick-dry t-shirt, a knee brace, or a phone strap for his flakiness.

I have to admit, I do the same thing when it comes to writing. Here’s my list of justifications: I need a MacBook Air to be more productive. Writing longhand just isn’t the same if I don’t have the fountain pen Neil Gaiman uses. I can only plot properly using Scrivener, not Google Docs.

You know how people used to write novels? With a quill. Or a typewriter. And here I am, showing the same attitude as my friend who said they wanted to run but didn’t really want to.

That’s why the tagline ‘Just Do It’ is so powerful. Because most of the time, that’s all you need to do.

If you run, you’re a runner

It’s weird how people hesitate to call themselves a writer even when they put pen to paper every day. Yet they don’t hesitate calling themselves a runner after buying their first pair of Salomons.

Either way, this is how I see it—it’s all about proving things to yourself. And that involves the non-optional requirement that is work.

Because you can’t write 2,000 words a day and tell me with a straight face that you don’t consider yourself a writer. I know tons of journalists and editors who write a grand total of zero words per day (besides their work, of course). And you know who they look up to? People who actually put in the writing work, regardless of their background.

So it really is as simple as that. Simple, but not easy.

I believe that all writing shapes your essence as a writer. Yes, even those rogue paragraphs you absent-mindedly scrawl into that tattered notebook that you’ll forget about. No effort is ever wasted. Even your mistakes teach you something.

Sounds doable, doesn’t it? Just write until you don’t mind calling yourself a writer? Here’s the catch though: You can’t call yourself a writer if you don’t write.

Running And Writing Writer - Jodie Cook

Don’t wait to call yourself a writer, but don’t lie to yourself either. Photo: Jodie Cook

The biggest lesson of all

At the end of the day, we embark on our pursuits for different reasons. Some of us do it to find purpose, while others just seek that quick escape from life.

But no matter where you are in your journey, perhaps the most important lesson is realising that the best gifts lie in the pursuit and not the result.

Because medals or book deals may—or may not—come our way, but every time we choose to chase our dreams regardless, we end up learning that bit more about what we’re truly capable of.

And sometimes, that alone is worth the pain.

You know another thing that’s similar to running and writing? Growing your blog. It’s a unending journey, for sure, but I have a guide on how to do that through the art of commenting. Just click on the button to get it (and to also receive exclusive content you won’t find anywhere else on this blog).

112 thoughts on “How Running Is Like Writing, And Why You Should Embrace Them Both

  1. Pingback: Creative Juice #310 | ARHtistic License

  2. That last point really spoke to me. I am SO SUPER hesitant to say I am a writer. I think I am growing into accepting this part of who I am. Thank you for sharing your perspective!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Usually, when we hesitate to call ourselves a writer, we either aren’t doing the writing, or we’re not giving ourselves enough credit. I think it’s the latter for you, and I hope you find your way through your own journey!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I started writing 2 years ago and I have hesitated calling myself a writer. But this post has inspired me to keep at it, take it more seriously and stretch myself. Thank you for this!


  4. Just got around to reading this post, Stewart. You really have me wanting to get out there and run again. Perhaps I will now that spring is on it’s way. Anyway, I appreciate the connections you made between running and writing. You’re totally correct in that neither ever get easier. Cheers.


    • Aw yis. That would mean the world to me if these words could spur you into running. Other greats have definitely done a better job at connecting the two, namely Murakami, so I probably took my lead from them as well. Thanks so much for your lovely thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. “The thing about our body and mind is that you never truly know what you’re capable of until you ask more of yourself.” Is a great quote – definitely one that we’ll all have to learn at some point! 10km a day is AMAZING. I absolutely hate running. Hate it. I exercise a lot, I swim a lot, I go for walks, Yoga, HIIT workouts. But running makes me want to vomit, haha! Great post, as always!


    • I can relate with you there. My bane has always been ‘lone workouts at home’. No matter what it is, HIIT or kettlebells or bodyweight exercises, I just loathe non-activity exercise.

      But necessary evils are a thing, eh? Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by, Jenny!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I liked those anecdotes about Cam Hanes and Courtney Dauwalter. But to tell the truth, this comparison didn’t quite work for me. For me, there’s a glaring big difference between writing and running – I actually like writing! But I can appreciate where you’re going with the goals, endurance, the feeling of humps to completion, etc.


    • Hahaha dang. There must be something wrong with the way I’m approaching this then. I’ve been aware of this for a long time—writing is my passion, but the actual work hurts. So I don’t even know if it’s my true calling or not. I’ll still do it regardless though.

      Also, I envy you. Dammit.


      • Actual work does hurt. I love singing and I recently tried my hand at recording myself for the first time. Singing might be a passion, but after so many terrible takes and re-recordings that are almost painful to listen to, one does not feel especially passionate. I don’t love every aspect of writing all of the time either. I think you captured the getting through the slog aspect well.


  7. This is such an interesting post! I only started running last year and I never considered the parallels between it and writing! Knowing that it doesn’t necessarily get “easy” even for people who have done it for years is somehow reassuring 😂


    • Oh yeah, not only does it not get easier for me, but I also can’t seem to bring myself to start the work, no matter how familiar I am with either process. There are definitely some lessons to learn there, but until then, I’ll be forcing myself to do what I need to do, lol. Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I used to run quite a bit. I was thinking about how I could fit in regular runs about 5 mins before finding your post. Thanks for inspiring me to dust off my dry fit t shirt!


    • Aw yis. Hopefully that plan came to fruition? Or at the very least, wishing that you’ve now kickstarted a lifetime journey of running or walking. Thanks so much for sharing this! You’re awesome :)


  9. Your post is very thought provoking! Have you read the memoir “What I Talk About When I Talk about Running” by Murakami? He also compares what it takes to run with what it takes to write. As you stated, both require a lot of discipline and perseverance, and the rewards are great. Thanks for writing this post and reminding me of that great book!


    • Oh yeah, I actually mentioned Murakami in my first draft, but then removed that part because it became too draggy. I definitely love his approach to routine, and I’m trying my best to recreate a routine-ful day. Thanks so much for your great thoughts. I appreciate you!


    • Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, and definitely embrace what you can!

      I definitely don’t have the authority to speak for you though, so make sure you do what’s best for you. Thanks again for stopping by. I appreciate you :)


      • A request: people so easily write as if all people are equally abled and wealthy. Therein lies a shipload of unfair discrimination. My request would be a writing style that is both mindful and inclusive. One pet peeve is that obese people are called unfit, lazy and eat too much. When I served in Field Artillery, the fittest bloke was also obese. He didn’t know it then, but he had insulin resistance. Such people gain weight and cannot lose it. Obesity doesn’t cause diabetes. It is diabetes that causes irreversible obesity. These people get marginalised through social engineering, by the few fortunate enough to have both good health and genes. I took it upon me to be a torch bearer for the underdog. What I am asking is that nobody ever assume anything. Age is not a number, but what your body allows you to be. I was intimidated, verbally assaulted, belittled by a national political leader because of my loss of executive functions after having survived twelve strokes, four of which in the basal ganglia. More people lambasted me for being unable to run, or to climb mountains like I did when I was just 40. The world needs to be taught about natural physical inequality, and that not all people can run the 800m as fast as Caster Semenya. Yet she can’t compete against men, as the female body is inequal. We must consider others and not unwittingly fire shots at them. Think


      • I definitely appreciate your point of view, so thanks for schooling me on this.

        But just as you ask of people not to assume anything, neither should you assume that my ‘non-inclusive’ posts were written with intent to demean or put others down.

        The world’s not out to get you, and neither am I. Sending you lots of love!


      • I know you didn’t mean to but, trust me, many people could get hurt. After a failed laminectomy, seven heart attacks, Afib, congestive heart failure, sarcoidosis, diabetes and a dozen strokes, I understand how some others feel. I am old, at just 60. Perhaps that’s why I take the risk to educate.


      • I like your word, ‘risk’. Because it’s not easy to come out and speak like this. And I respect you for that.

        Anyway, here’s an advance apology because my blog will include more fitness and running posts (my hobbies), and I’m bound to overlook one thing or another, me being me and all.

        But you know what? Your comments have contributed to this post, which doesn’t just benefit me, but anyone else who might be reading this in the future :)


  10. Hi Stuart, Just wondering if you run on the road or in the park. Every time I see a jogger when I walk our dog around the neighbourhood, I want to take up jogging but have never got round to …. I find the notion of running inviting but not its execution. But I must give it a go as I believe it is about building your tenacity. About writing, your article is a good reminder that I have not been writing enough. This statement of yours is so well put ” I believe that all writing shapes your essence as a writer. Yes, even those rogue paragraphs you absent-mindedly scrawl into that tattered notebook that you’ll forget about” Thanks for another inspiring post !!


    • Hey, walking your dog is a legit exercise on its own! Many a great writer use walking as a creative tool, while a lot of bodybuilders actually use walking for cardio. Heck, even the army uses walking (with equipment) for conditioning.

      So you’re already much further ahead than you think.

      Thanks so much for stopping by as usual, and here’s to getting back your writing mojo!


  11. Great post Stuart. Ilike the idea of trying new things not just for medals or trinkets but to find out what we are really capable of. Brilliant words and I think it’s easier to build creativity and consistency that way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It might sound idealistic, but I’m beginning to think that’s how we should approach life. To be the best version we can be in certain things, to see how far we can go, then to receive compensation if we’re worth it.

      Instead of seeking compensation first when we haven’t worked a day in our lives (in those specific disciplines).

      Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by!


  12. I wanted to run, but since I don’t have vision, it gets in the way.

    At my previous house, I thought of running in circles at the roof, and put 1 hand on the walls. But the tangled mess of cables made it impossible.

    If I ever built a house, I’ll keep the roof plain, with no strange designs, and maximum space for me to run around in circles since I can’t exactly go outside to run.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I admire your honesty, Tanish. Can treadmills or stationary bikes be an option? I’ll imagine that even though it’s plain, it could be kinda dangerous without vision?

      Appreciate you stopping by always. Thanks for sharing your ideas, and for taking the time to read!

      Liked by 1 person

      • It is not, as long as someone didn’t put anything in the way. I did thought of treadmills, but I don’t have enough space in the house. I thought of joining a public gym, but apparently, you can’t exercise there in peace, judging from the three day trial I had.


    • Both of them taught me that no matter what I do, there’ll always be haters. I couldn’t imagine someone would hate Goggins’s message, but they do. That gives me the freedom to do what I want, since there will be people who won’t like me anyway.

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Phil!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m afraid I do need (ok, want) spa appointments… but only for the massages – because of all the exercise/running, I swear! OK, I haven’t run since December, and before December it was probably October, but the snow’s starting to melt and we might get an actual thunderstorm (!) this weekend, so I may go for a run because the ski trails are going to be ruined.
    The Travel Architect, writer
    (yeah, that felt really weird to write)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Massages are the bomb, not gonna lie. I feel like setting an appointment now.

      And thanks so much for capturing my exact thoughts when it comes to writing. You should frame this and put it up at an art display. I’ll bet it’ll connect with tons of people.

      Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by!


      Liked by 1 person

  14. So many choices have regrets afterwards, but I will never regret going self published. That said, I should probably invest in a punching bag or a treadmill. That can get the blood flowing and the brain working good.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aha, those are some pretty expensive ways to get your blood going. If I was to spend money, I think I’d get a bike (low impact). But calisthenics have been a good friend so far. Great to see that you’re back, JB!

      Liked by 1 person

      • TBH, I’m more interested in a punching bag than a treadmill. The area I’m in is just garbage for running or biking. But a punching bag? That just requires a floor, some space and aggression. :D

        Liked by 1 person

  15. totally agree with this Stuart…
    “If you run, you’re a runner”
    and “if you write, you’re a writer”

    just don’t write and run Stuart.. i keep falling but it’s when i get my best inspiration ! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️💖🤣🤣

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lol, the darkest moments in my life is usually when I get my most inspiration, so that’s something. At least I can be thankful for the bad days, as well as the good days. Win-win! Anyway, thanks for stopping by, Cindy!


  16. “Hate exercising? Then let’s avoid all that toxic productivity. Feeling crappy for not writing (again)? Maybe you just weren’t ‘in the mood’.

    I used to scoff at the saying ‘putting a bandaid on a bullet wound’, but now I totally see its point. We don’t need more spa appointments or retail therapy. We need to know why we think we need spa appointments or retail therapy.”

    Wow. You scalped me bald with that one. LOL. As someone who is trying to get back into the swing of regular writing and re-engaging my WordPress blog, I needed these words. Thanks for sharing them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol, it’s great that you’re getting back into the swing of things though. Wishing you all the best on your journey, and I do hope to see you being active in the months and years to come!


  17. Maestro Stu has done it again! And now with a guide thrown in for good measure too. Thanks man. I love how, after reading this latest piece, I feel affirmed that my writing journey is itself my greatest reward, more than anything else. So thanks again man. Always glad to read your posts and learn from you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol, yes! Everything is about the journey, isn’t it? We keep looking forward for a better time ahead, not realising that there is no better time. The moment is all we have. We either start living now or we don’t. [Ending cliched platitudes here.]

      Thanks as always, Kelvin!

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Running is like vitamins for the mind…so running and writing do go hand in hand! Running clears the brain’s CPU or browser cache so that more idea capacity can be created! Sleep is good too! Get plenty!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Haha dang, that analogy about clearing the cache is amazing! You know what else clears my cache? Journalling. All these are wonderful tips, it’s a wonder why we don’t do them more often. Thanks so much for always stopping by, Jeanne!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. As a lazy excuse for a human being when it comes to physical effort, I hadn’t previously considered running/writing parallels. I shall imagine running when write, which is a form of mental gymnastics which keeps me doubly fit I can already feel the sounds dropping off.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s exactly the thing I do, but in reverse. Every time I run and feel like crap, I tell myself ‘I’ll need to push through this pain because this will help me push through the pain of writing too’, and that helps me go further. They do tend to carry over.

      And you say that you’re lazy (I am too), but who knows? Maybe you’ll end up running a marathon one day.

      Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by, Ste!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. I love this! I admit I am not a runner, at least not lately, but I love the way you show the similarities! I am super guilty of being incapable of calling myself anything more than an ‘aspiring’ writer even though I’ve been writing for years now! It’s always a pleasure to read your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • If you look hard enough, anything can be turned into a writing analogy, lol. Climbing, martial arts, cooking… the list just goes on and on. I’m sure you can connect one of your main hobbies to it. In fact, now I’m curious to see what you’d come up with.

      Anyway, just a heads up that I can’t seem to reach the link you included in your Gravatar profile. An update might be necessary!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes, “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” I don’t remember who said that unfortunately but I’ve always kept that in my back pocket!

    Also, I totally agree about writing and running or in my case, stairs… I used to take the 6 flights of stairs at work instead of the elevator and each time I get rageful thinking it should get better (even after a year of climbing the 6 flights, I am always baffled by how difficult it still is at the 4th floor and still 2 more to go! LOL)!

    Thanks for always inspiring us with your words and wisdom! :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like to take cold showers (and let’s face it, in tropical Malaysia, it’s chilly at most) and I feel the exact same thing: I just never get better at it!

      Every time, I feel the same anxiety, the same pain, the same desire to flee. But hey, I’m sure I am getting better in some way or another. So I totally relate to your stair-climbing story and perceived lack of progress, though we are definitely improving for sure.

      Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by as always!

      Liked by 1 person

  22. 100% to all of this, Stuart. It took a while, but I finally consider myself a writer. It went from ah, I’ll do it when I feel like it (like once every couple of weeks) to part of my daily routine. When I retired five years ago from teaching, I adopted the sound mind/sound body principle. As a dude who has been overweight his entire life and made hundreds (I’m not exaggerating) attempts at weight loss, I finally did it!!! I’ve gone from an obese 285 to a respectable 210. Of course, I feel so much better too. (I still hate to run, though.🤣) My ticket has been the gym, lifting weights, walking, swimming, and I finally started eating like an adult. It only took 60 years. 😎 A side benefit is that I come up with some of my best ideas about writing when exercising. My primary motivation is to be an active grandparent, and our son just got engaged. THAT’S MY FIRST THOUGHT when I don’t feel like working out. He’s on the clock now. 🤣

    Liked by 2 people

    • What. 75 pounds?! That’s amazing! And what a lovely story to share, Pete. Am super inspired by it, and you sure know how to demonstrate the meaning of ‘finding your why’.

      I have been the unhealthiest person for almost 40 years, and only recently did I start taking things like diet and exercise seriously, so I guess it’s better late than never, right? I envy those who come to their senses at like 20, like those little young athletes who are also academic freaks.

      Anyway, thanks so much for this. What an enjoyable comment!


      • Good luck, Stuart. After I finish this thought, I’m off to the gym. I can handle the elliptical, but I still hate to run—still waiting for this runner’s high I’ve always heard about. 🤣


      • Hahaha yeah, I’ve only experienced runner’s high once or twice, and even then, I wonder if that’s a placebo. High five to not liking running off the bat!


  23. Your blog helped inspire me to submit some of my work to a local magazine last week. I likely won’t hear back for another month or two, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have called myself a “writer” unless I got an acceptance rather than a rejection. But this latest post of yours has made me re-think that inclination. I will call myself a writer no matter what. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Whoa, first of all, I’m super honoured that you’d list this blog as an inspiration, and secondly, yes, you ARE a writer. Who else would submit work to a magazine? Acceptance or not, you’ve done what other ‘normal’ people wouldn’t, and if you’re not a writer, I don’t know who is. Thanks so much for your lovely comment!


  24. I have to agree that my writing is like my running in that I’ve become too decrepit for both lol. My strenuous walk is most people’s slow meandering. And about the only time I’ve made real progress in writing is any time I’m taking a class. Deadlines help, but my forte being short stories it seems like my writing goes no where real fast. I swear when I was younger (and capable of running) I was constantly fired with ideas just coming out of no where. I feel like I should’ve focused that energy more when I still had it. Though I’ve been considering just tossing up some of my short stories on my blog just to say I’ve done something with them lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • The good news is, writing only gets better as time passes (unlike physical pursuits), so at the very least, we have a vocation that we can pursue till our final days. The rest is just mental. Maybe it’s just a mojo thing for you, one that comes and goes, and you’re just currently coasting through a trough.

      Also, going for walks mean doing more than 50% of the population (I like pulling figures out of my butt, ha ha), so you’re already ahead of so many there.

      What’s most important is that you DID write a wonderful comment, so that has to count for something, eh? Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! They mean a lot :)

      Liked by 1 person

  25. I like the “choose what’s right not easy” advice – not always the easiest advice to follow but definitely on point! Consistency and putting on those running shoes or picking up your writing tool of choice day after day is important, thank you for the reminder Stuart.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Haha yeah, it’s one of those ‘eat your vegetables’ kinda advice. Something people already know to do, but also one they need to constantly be reminded of. In fact, I think we already know what we have to do with most our lives. It’s just that we don’t want to do them. Thanks so much for stopping by, btw!

      Liked by 1 person

  26. I read both, and I liked both, but it is nice to see your growth as a runner, and as a writer.

    And I agree with all you points, but the ones that stuck out the most for me were “It never gets easier” and the simplicity of both running and writing. It doesn’t take much to just do it…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, am super honoured that you’d read both, Jim, and for those kind words.

      Yeah, a lot of people love to quote the Bojack Horseman scene: “It gets easier. You have to do it every day, that’s the hard part, but it gets easier.”

      For me though? It doesn’t get easier. You just get better at making yourself do the hard things, lol.

      Which brings me to the discipline. I love simple but not-so-easy things. Really teaches me what I’m made of. Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to these practices. Anyway, thanks for stopping by as usual, Jim!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t think I know what the Bojack Horseman is, but that is a good quote.

        I like the discipline of writing every day, even on those days where I don’t have much to say.

        I just wish I had the same discipline for other things!

        and in quite a coincidence, it was a 30-day Run and Blog challenge that got me started with blogging…


    • Just do it indeed! I need to recite that mantra more than anyone, because I’m most susceptible to not doing things out of fear (or laziness). So yes, one step is better than no step, am I right? Thanks for your comment!


  27. Hey! I love this post! I’ve never related my running to my writing, but when I am running the clarity of what I should write in my next blog becomes clearer. My thoughts are centered and my body feels at ease. It’s an interesting feeling, a similar feeling of writing my heart and soul out, a release almost.

    But that’s beyond the point, I enjoyed the blog especially this part:
    “But no matter where you are in your journey, perhaps the most important lesson is realising that the best gifts lie in the pursuit and not the result.”

    Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Isn’t it weird how running (or exercise) helps clear our mind? I think about writing topics all day, and I do feel like during or just after exercise are the prime zones where I’m most at ease with the process. Like nothing can go wrong and all ideas are awesome.

      Then nighttime rolls around and I feel negative again, like all the ideas I’ve come up with are stupid. At least that’s how it is for me.

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I enjoyed reading it!

      Liked by 2 people

  28. Again amazing post Stuart. Writing is like running a marathon and along the way you get tired, debilitated, breathless and weary but it is all about your concise. If your instincts tell you to pursue writing, pursue it.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hell yeah. That’s the first thing that gave me the inspiration, in that being halfway through your run feels exactly the same as being halfway through your novel. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. I appreciate you!

      Liked by 2 people

  29. I read the previous post about running and writing and enjoyed it, just as much as this one.
    One phrase stuck out:
    We don’t need more spa appointments or retail therapy. We need to know why we think we need spa appointments or retail therapy.

    That, indeed, is the solution to a lot of problems.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Oh yeah, that’s definitely along the lines of ‘finding our why’, which will give us much more insights than a simple escape from our lives ever will.

      Of course, it’s the sitting down and being honest with ourselves bit that’s hard to do sometimes.

      Anyway, always glad to see you here, Joanne!

      Liked by 2 people

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